Friday, July 9, 2010

Hello Sisters!
I read this recently and was inspired. I hope you are as well.
" If life was a novel and God was the author would we continue to rewrite our character? Would we beg to be another character? Would we just let the story be told?
What a thought provoking series of questions that makes you think of the stories of women in the Bible.
It seems that God just allowed the story to be told in the Bible. Did Mary ask God if she could play another part in the life of Jesus? After all, it was very inconvenient and dangerous to be a unwed mother.
Did Rahab rewrite her past after God re-wrote her life? No, we all know her past.
It gives us something to think about. Many of us have not been able to tell our story, uncut.. Yet, God would get more glory if we did. Maybe others need to hear how you got from there to here.
Maya Angelou said: "There is no greater agony than bearing a untold story inside of you."
Please take the time to tell us how you overcame your past, how your life is in the present, and your plan for the future. What makes you cry and what makes you laugh? Your story can help someone else.